School Profile

Friendship Christian School is a private, Christian school located in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Transitional Kindergarten (TK4), Elementary (K5-5th Grades), Middle School (6th-8th), and High School (9th-12th)

Founded: 1970

2024-2025 Enrollment: 279 Students

Faculty, Staff, & Administration: 43 Members


  • IOWA Assessments: Administered yearly (spring) to kindergarten-8th grade.
  • CogAT: Administered yearly to 1st-8th grade.
  • PSAT: Administered yearly to all freshmen and sophomores.
  • ACT: Administered yearly to all juniors. FCS is an ACT national test site.



Academic Programs:

  • Elementary offers core subjects, Bible, and enrichment classes such as art, band, choir, music, PE, and Spanish.
  • The Specialized Learning Center offers programs for students with diagnosed learning differences (Academic Success Center) and intellectual disabilities (Focus Learning Center). FLC students can earn an occupational degree.
  • In addition to core subjects, Bible, and technology, secondary students (middle and high school) choose from a variety of electives including art, band, choir, speech, yearbook, Spanish, Advanced PE, and personal finance.
  • Qualifying high school students can elect honors and dual credit courses in multiple subjects.
  • Graduates can earn a college prep, general, or occupational diploma.

Student Life: The Falcon community fosters togetherness, service, and excellence. From TK4 students cheering on varsity athletes before the big game to a coffee bazaar run by the FLC Friendly Java Cafe, students are seen and known across the grade levels. FCS provides character-building opportunities and spiritual growth through fine arts, athletics, service, leadership, and more. 

Location: 5510 Falls of Neuse Road, Raleigh, NC 

Friendship Christian School is located in North Raleigh, a thriving area with businesses, schools, restaurants, hospitals, and countless family-friendly activities including parks, greenways, and cultural events. The school is easily accessible from both I-540 and I-440 and just 15 minutes from downtown museums, the State Capitol, government buildings, and more.

Raleigh’s population is 485,000, and the greater Raleigh metro area (Raleigh, Durham, Cary) totals 2.3 million. Research Triangle Park (RTP) is the area’s hub comprised of more than 250+ businesses and research and development companies, which sits within the geographic triangle formed by three nearby research universities: North Carolina State University, Duke University, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Raleigh regularly ranks on Best Places to Live lists.