Student Opportunities
Chapel: Students are encouraged to be involved through special music and other activities.
Student Bible Study: Students meet together for Bible study and prayer weekly during lunch. These prayer meetings are led by students.
Athletics: We have a full range of sports for boys and girls. We have boys’ soccer, basketball, and baseball; girls’ volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, and soccer; and co-ed cross country and golf.
Fine Arts: We have many opportunities for boys and girls. We have choir, band, speech, yearbook, art, and drama productions.
Field trips: Each year we encourage our teachers to take the students on a variety of educational field trips. Advance notification is sent out. We also have static field trips for each grade each year.
Student council: The student council is made up of all class representatives. The President and Vice-President of the student council are the Senior Class representatives. The student council meets together to help with planning certain school activities and running student chapels.
Junior-Senior Banquet: The Junior Class hosts a formal banquet for the Senior Class every year usually in March or April.
National Honor Society: FCS is a member of the National Honor Society. Our students (10th-12th) are selected based on the following criteria:
o Scholarship
o Christian Character
o Leadership
o Service
o Citizenship
Homecoming: Homecoming usually takes place in January at one of the basketball games. All are invited out to this evening for a night of exciting activity. One of the highlights of the evening is the crowning of the new Homecoming King and Queen.
Christian Service Hours:
Luke 22:26 But ye [shall] not [be] so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.
John 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will [my] Father honour.
Phi 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
It is clear in Scripture that we should follow Christ’s example and serve others. A true believer will be motivated to give of himself and serve others. We want our students to be true followers of Christ and use His example in their lives. Therefore, Christian Service hours are required of each high school student. Each HS student is to volunteer at a school, church, in the community, etc. at least 6 hours per semester. Hours are counted from the previous summer for the first semester of the present school year.
Christian service hours for 1st semester must be submitted before exams are taken in December. Second semester hours must be submitted before final exams in May. If hours are not submitted on time, grades will be marked as incomplete until the hours are completed.